Pictures of the festival:
(thank you to
let us know when
your photos are online)
Participants pages with pictures:
a Geocities photo
album includes past festivals as well as 2002 for the
following participants:

Gingerbread Testament- Dorothy Tobe-
Boulder- Colorado

Daily Bread- Pam- England 2002

Hot Book. - Maryke Stagg-
Noosa, Australia 2002

Eggstacy. Women of Creativity Symposium
Center for Book Arts, New York 2002

Eating Nature-Masaaki Tatsumi- Japan 2002

Little Black Book-Jim Cowles

Bookworm-Stacey Stern and Greg Weiss -
Chicago 2002

Book Burning-Daria Flores.
San Diego 2002

Meagan's Guide.
Canada 2002

Luxembourg 2002

Leaf Book-Kathy Miller-
San Diego 2002

Vincent's Words
San Luis Obispo-2002

Verlag Buch & Bill, Klaus Robert Herb
Hamburg, 2002

Green Eggs and Ham
Tempe, Arizona 2002

Three men in a boat- Heather Hunter
of the 3rd Festival
Monday April 1st, 2002
-Brazil - Canada
- England - France -
Japan - Germany -Japan
-Luxembourg -
The Netherlands - New
Zealand - U.S.A: Arizona,
California, Colorado , Florida,
Illinois, Maine, Maryland/Washington
D.C. , Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, New York, Ohio
Noosa, Queensland: -
See Pictures-
elebrate the 3rd International Edible
Book Festival at the studio of paper and book artist Judy
"De comida, diversão e arte!" website:
Rua Boa Esperança,320 apt 701, Belo
Horizonte, Minas Gerais
contact Lucia: or Luciana Lusbl@hotmail
to top
Edge Gallery in St. John's, Newfoundland.-
See Pictures-
High Tea from 5 to 7 p.m. on Monday, April 1st. Everyone is invited
to bring a book, come for tea and stay for the Easter(n Edge) Art
Draw at 7. Once again, Tara and Mikiki will be asking,"One
lump or two?"
contact: Tara Bryan
Thame, Oxfordshire,-
See Pictures-
Heather Hunter and friends will be taking part in the 3rd International
Edible Book Festival again this year.
Sponsored by the Thame Town Council we will be having a workshop
and exhibition of artists books in the morning and taking tea in
the Town Hall at 4pm. Contact Heather
and Wibbe Bartkowiak , Hamburg-
See Pictures-
Alle sind herzlich eingeladen, ihrer Fantasie in der Back-Kunst
für Buch-Kunst freien Lauf zu lassen. Von 14 bis 16 Uhr sollen die
essbaren Bücher bei uns angeliefert werden. Ab 16 Uhr wird der Tee
bzw. Kaffee serviert und die Bücher fröhlich verzehrt. Bitte sagt/sagen
Sie uns bis Anfang Mœrz, ob Du/Sie/Ihr als Buchkunst-Bœcker, -Konditoren
oder -Köche mitmacht und ob Ihr zur Kaffee-und-Buchkunst-Stunde
am 1. April ab 14 Uhr zu uns kommt. Der Lohn ist eine Fotodokumentation
unseres Treffens und ein vergnüglicher Nachmittag mit Leuten, die
Bücher gern verschlingen. Die zum Kucken und zum Kosten kommen wollen,
bezahlen DM 10,- und können sich dafür an der vergœnglichsten aller
Buchkünste satt sehen und satt essen.
Contact: Stefan
Pabeierscheier um Schlass zu Burglenster,
Burglenster- See
Abrëll vun Mëttes 2 Auer un an der Buerg. Um 4 Auer gett
de Kaffi an de Kuch vernicht. All Leit déi gäer liesen
oder iessen an gleschterech sin, sin häerzlech wellkom. Wann
dir Bicher vir ze friesse (z'iessen) ger hut , wann der der wellt
hirstellen an bei eis brengen, da m!ellt Iech beim Edy Willems an
der Pabeierscheier um Schlass zu Burglenster. Breng Dir Bicher mat
ass och de Kaffi oder Tee gratis. All aner Leit derfen secher och
kommen, bezuelen awer eppes klenges fir d' Onkeschten ( ±
5€ ).
Wir treffen uns am 1. April um 14 00 Uhr in der Papierscheune am
Schloss Burglinster
1 avril à 14 00 heures dans la " Pabeierscheir "Grange
du papier au Château de Bourglinster.
contact:Edy Willem
New Zealand
With Visual
to top
The Netherlands
Atelier It Plein 19 Oosterlittens/Rotterdam-
See Pictures-
Arizona State University at Changing Hands
Bookstore in Tempe, AZ
Dan Mayer's Artists Book Class.
Date: Saturday March 30 2-4 pm
Contact: Dan Mayer
Tucson, Paperworks-
See Pictures-
Café, San Luis Obispo- See
1110 Garden Street,
April 1, 2002 4-6 PM
Chew Your Book Slowly:
A compilation of visual, culinary, and book arts-the event is also
a means to promote literacy by bringing the written word and art
together in an alternative medium.
For More information Contact Catherine
J. Trujillo,
Robert E. Kennedy Library Special Collections Department
Tel: (805) 756-2305
Uppre Hill Studio, Julian, California-
See Pictures-
"Cooking the Books" on April 7th
contact:Judy Christensen:
Weingart Center for the Arts,
Los Angeles- See
Bird Road on Occidental College Campus.
Occidental College, 1600 Campus Road in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles,
CA 90041.
Sunday 7 April
Artists or interested creative people are asked to bring their edible
books and set up between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. with each work
accompanied by a label stating the name of the artist, the title
of the edible book, and its ingredients! Anyone with digital cameras
andother documentation cameras are welcomed to take photos for the
archive, as well as a forthcoming book on the event!
Street and visitor parking is available at Occidental College on
Bird Road outside of Weingart Center and at the visitor parking
lot on Campus Road. For directions to Occidental College and Weingart
center, consult map.
contact: Judith A. Hoffberg
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (see
1750 13th St.
Monday, April 1, 2002
5:00-6:00 p.m.: Sip tea and admire edible book creations
6:00-7:00 p.m.: Feast upon them!
Donation: $5.00 at the door, $3.00 for BMOCA members, FREE for participating
-Create a book structure made entirely from edible materials and
bring it to BMOCA on Monday, April 1st between 4 and 5 p.m.
-On an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper TYPE: Your name, Title of Piece,
and a List of all Ingredients.
-Cost per entry is $1.00
ll Proceeds will go to support THE
contact: Mia Semingson
Wagon bookworks, Lake Worth, Florida( just south of West
Palm Beach, Florida, and we'll gladly supply directions.)
Join us on All Fools' Day, April 1, 2002 for high tea in the evening.
All works of art will be edible, bookish and, hopefully, in honor
of the day, a little foolish. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 pm
while we admire the edible books on display. Afterwards, we will
photograph the books for posterity and then EAT them!
The money we raise is benefitting the Arthur and Mata Jaffe Book
Arts Collection at Florida Atlantic University
Full details are posted on our website:
contact: John Cutrone
College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts
- Chicago- IllinoisApril 1st, 2002, 6 to 9pm -See
The Columbia College Library, 3rd Floor 624 South Michigan Chicago,
IL 60605
For this Tea, all Works of Art will be Edible and Booklike (and
hopefully Tasteful in every sense of the word.)
If you make a Book, you may attend free, but you must RSVP by Thursday,
March 28th, 5pm. Well need the title of your piece, your name,
and an ingredients list.
Unsure of your culinary or odd binding talents?
RSVP to Eat Books Only, for a mere ten dollars. Proceeds will benefit
our bindery equipment fund.
to MAKE a BOOK: or call Melissa Jay Craig at 312-344-6635
EAT BOOKS only: or call Michelle Ferguson at 312-344-7384,
to top
Eastern Maine Technical College,
At Rangeley Hall on the Eastern Maine Technical College campus in
Bangor from 3:00 to 5:00 pm on Thursday, April 25, 2002.
Anyone can contribute an edible book for display at the event, which
also features high silver tea, with refreshments ably concocted
by students from the colleges Culinary Arts program. Those
who provide an edible book for display will receive free admission.
All others pay a $5 entry fee at the door, which includes refreshments
and five tickets to vote on the winning edible book.
For more information, or to submit an entry, contact Deb Perro,
207-941-4601,, or Sue
Indian Springs Recreation Building
- See
Sunday, March 31, 2002
9717 Lawndale Drive Silver Spring, MD
website with pictures
of the event Contact: Koralleen
Artsworcester, 600 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610
the event will happen on Friday, April 5
The Roeper School , Michigan
1051 Oakland Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009
contact: Pat Lawrence:
@ Argyle-Zebra Gallery St.
Paul Minnesota
April 7 -4 - 6:30 pm
308 Prince street
Contact: Robyn Beth Priestley
(651) 310-0026 Jeffrey Morrison - A-Z Gallery (651) 602-9105
where production and consumption meet. It's your chance to "have
your art and eat it too".
visit our Edible
Exhibition website to download entry form
to top
New York:
for Book Arts - New York - New York--
See Pictures-
Monday April 1, 6 - 9 PM
The Center is sponsoring Eat Your Words: The 3rd International Edible
Book Tea.
From 6PM to 7PM we'll sip tea while viewing the edible books on
display. At 7PM the books will be auctioned off and eaten.
All edible books become the property of the Center and will be auctioned
to support The Center's educationnal programs.
CBA Members FREE, non-members $5 suggested donation. call
for Submission
University of Cincinnati- Cincinnati,
Ohio- See
Monday April 1st. 3pm-6pm
Read press reviews
Contact: Erika Taibl
to top